Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Setting up FDT 5.6 to use latest the version of Flash Player and use Stage3D

Few things are more frustrating than trying to learn new things by checking out examples and they don't work. I've run into that situation when trying to tinker around with Stage3D for the Flash Player web plugin .

Set for up Stage3D

It is necessary to jump through a few hoops before you can utilize the Stage3D features for the web plugin. They are the following:

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Release Outside

I was looking into one of the new features of Flash 11.3 which is the MouseEvent.RELEASE_OUTSIDE event type. Check out this link to see it in action. While I was doing some searching around the net, I happened to see that there exists a Event.MOUSE_LEAVE event type. This must be new right? No, it's been around since Flash Player 9, the beginning of AS 3.0. How could I have missed this?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

BareTail Logger

I have used the SOSMax trace logger ever since I started using FDT back in version 1. I really liked it because it was simple, easy to use, and fast. I have tried using some other loggers such as MonsterDebugger. I think that tools such as Monster are very useful, but for simple logging I don't like having to jump through some hoops. Most of the time I just want to see my debug messages.....quick and simple, that's all.